Porgest, a.s.

Company description

Our company was established in 1997 and entered into the Business Register led at the Municipal Court in Prague under Section C, File 54824 on 6 November 1997. Till the year 2000, our main business activities were tax consultancy, economic advisory and intermediary services in the field of trade and services. Since September 2000, manufacture of other motor vehicles including superstructures as well as design and project works became our main activities. A complete assortment of our products, commodities and services can be found in the Menu under the item Company Activities.


Porgest, a.s.

Phone: +420 556 770 170
Skype: porgest.cz
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WWW: www.porgest.cz

Street: Slovanská 38
Town: Nový Jičín
Zip Code: 741 01
IN: 26844508
Tax identification number: CZ26844508

Porgest, a.s.

Slovanská 38
Nový Jičín, 741 01

IČO: 26844508
DIČ: CZ26844508


+420 556 770 170



Center Kopřivnice

Areál Tatry, 742 21 Kopřivnice

Center Kopřivnice

Areál Tatry, 742 21 Kopřivnice

Center Kopřivnice

Areál Tatry, 742 21 Kopřivnice