Porgest, a.s.

Freight transport in agriculture

Freight transport in agriculture

Agricultural production, like other fields in recent years has experienced a major change and keeping working on its efficiency. The constantly decreasing number of employees is the reason to higher and higher demands on the technology that is used in agriculture. Also, in many cases delivery distances at which products are transported are increasing.

Freight transport in agriculture

Freight transport in agriculture

Freight transport in agriculture
Porgest, a.s.

Slovanská 38
Nový Jičín, 741 01

IČO: 26844508
DIČ: CZ26844508


+420 556 770 170



Center Kopřivnice

Areál Tatry, 742 21 Kopřivnice

Center Kopřivnice

Areál Tatry, 742 21 Kopřivnice

Center Kopřivnice

Areál Tatry, 742 21 Kopřivnice